09.02.2025 – 16.03.2025 uit het atelier, schilderijen en beelden Veron Urdarianu Visit

The Hague Contemporary Art Weekend 2022

Join us this summer for the fifth edition of The Hague Contemporary Art Weekend from 1-3 July.

During the three-day event, The Hague takes center stage, showcasing the latest developments in contemporary art the city has to offer. From 1 - 3 July, exhibitions, tours, talks and pop-up presentations from over twenty art institutions will be taking place across the city. After the kick-off at the art school KABK, well-known museums, renowned galleries, experimental presentation spaces, and emerging artists’ initiatives will offer the best from the art scene. The event connects galleries, project spaces, museums and art institutions with the local community as well as art professionals and collectors in and outside The Hague.

More info @ weekend.thehaguecontemporary